The Evolution of Stuff

I like timelines and facts. Welcome to my world.

  • The Evolution of Planes

    The Evolution of Planes

    Airplanes are so common place, I think I see one flying over every few minutes where I live. It’s always easy to forget the world we live in and how it came to be whilst we are wandering around in our everyday lives. Let’s back track this amazing invention. Beginning of flight in living organisms…

  • The Evolution of Ice Ages

    The Evolution of Ice Ages

    Ice ages are common in Earth’s history. They come in different forms, for example there have been ‘Snowball Earth events’ where the entire globe is covered in ice from the poles to the equator, a floating ice ball in space. There are also times where part of the earth is covered in ice but not…

  • The Evolution of Tulip Mania

    The Evolution of Tulip Mania

    Considered to be one of the first crashes in history, the tulip economic crash is described as an asset price bubble. The bubble itself is centred on a particular asset or commodity, in this case, the tulip. 1554 The tulip was introduced to Vienna in 1554 from the Ottoman Empire. It then spread to other…

  • The Evolution of The Human Population

    The Evolution of The Human Population

    Homo sapiens have been around for approximately 250,000 to 300,000 years. We are now the dominant species on the planet. I say this in regards to the amount of energy and resources we consume in comparison to other species. There may be other species that technically outnumber us, however we control the planet and its…

  • The Evolution of Copper – Creation Of and Uses in Society

    The Evolution of Copper – Creation Of and Uses in Society

    Copper is a chemical element, a soft and malleable metal, atomic number 29 on the periodic table and is naturally a red/orange/pink colour. It has great thermal and electrical conductivity, meaning heat and electricity travel through it well. It’s the 25th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It is found quite easily in mines…

  • The Evolution of The Ages of Life

    The Evolution of The Ages of Life

    Life begins in the primordial seas, 3 and a half billion years ago. Since the first bacteria and single cell organisms, life has flourished, evolving to suit different environments and branching off into many different species. Here we consider the ‘ages’ from a wider perspective of evolution, and the dominant life form of that time….

This is how it all started…

I used to paint murals in eco emulsion, getting stuck with the question of ‘what do I paint’ for my portfolio. Going back to my love of history, I began going over old notes I had made of things that interested me. Bringing the two together has been the key to creating pieces inspired by moments of history and science.

To also write about history from the wide perspective that I enjoy, helps to put life into perspective. It creates a base understanding of the world we live in today, and can aid to understanding the human condition. Why do we do the things we do?

Perveen Kaur

Artist and Writer

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