The Evolution of Stuff

I like timelines and facts. Welcome to my world.

  • The Evolution of Human Creativity

    The Evolution of Human Creativity

    Homo sapiens are intensely creative, more than any other species that have come before us. We owe it to our ancestry, previous homo species were creative in their tool making however we took it to another level. A dangerous selfish level in some cases, but another level no doubt. I explore here only a handful…

  • The Evolution of Supercontinents

    The Evolution of Supercontinents

    Supercontinents have been forming since the Archean eon, 4 billion years to 2.5 billion years ago. The continents will come together and break apart again due a variety of geological processes. Continental drift, subduction, uplift, the heat and pressure from Earth’s internals. There is less evidence for the earlier supercontinents so the existence of these…

  • The Evolution of The Eons of Earth

    The Evolution of The Eons of Earth

    Earth. The beautiful blue marble, hanging there in space, chilling. It wasn’t always so blue and shiny. Here we explore a brief summary of the eons. See our more detailed blog for further timeline events of the history of Earth’s eons. The Evolution of Earth’s Geological Time Scale Early Solar System 4.6 billion years ago…

  • The Evolution of Chemical Elements

    The Evolution of Chemical Elements

    The chemical elements are a thing of beauty. The building blocks of everything we know today. The Periodic Table The list of chemical elements that are known can be found on the periodic table, nicely organised. Dmitri Mendeleev 1834-1907 arranged the chemical elements that were known to him at his time, in rows according to…

  • The Evolution of the First Atom

    The Evolution of the First Atom

    The universe. It’s quite big and old. Current estimates are 13.7 billion years old. At the time of writing, this is potentially being challenged with new imagery and evidence coming primarily from the James Webb telescope. For now, let’s continue with the current widely held theory of the big bang, and that it is 13.7…

  • The Evolution of Mass Extinctions

    The Evolution of Mass Extinctions

    Mass extinctions are common in Earth’s history. There have been 5 recognised mass extinctions over the last half a billion years however there were other extinction events which are worth noting. Extinctions beget speciation, the two go hand in hand. Mass extinctions happen because there is a sudden change in the environment in which organisms…

This is how it all started…

I used to paint murals in eco emulsion, getting stuck with the question of ‘what do I paint’ for my portfolio. Going back to my love of history, I began going over old notes I had made of things that interested me. Bringing the two together has been the key to creating pieces inspired by moments of history and science.

To also write about history from the wide perspective that I enjoy, helps to put life into perspective. It creates a base understanding of the world we live in today, and can aid to understanding the human condition. Why do we do the things we do?

Perveen Kaur

Artist and Writer

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