The Evolution of Stuff

I like timelines and facts. Welcome to my world.

  • The Evolution of Mammals

    The Evolution of Mammals

    Mammals are a diverse class of animals, sharing various traits. We are part of this amazing group of animals which also includes dogs, elephants, whales, bears, rabbits, bats and pandas. Mammals have diversified to inhabit the land, sea and skies. Taxonomy Carl Linnaeus is known as the father of modern taxonomy and helped develop a…

  • The Evolution of Sitting Around

    The Evolution of Sitting Around

    How did we get to this sedentary lifestyle? We have unknowingly created for ourselves a sedentary lifestyle that has only gotten worse in the modern age. Our bodies are not evolved to be sitting around all day, watching hour long programmes without breaks and 3 hour films. It wasn’t even that long ago when television…

  • The Evolution of Humanity Destroying the Earth

    The Evolution of Humanity Destroying the Earth

    A new article published on BBC indicates a new source of lithium and other metals, found on the ocean floors. Scientists discovered a large amount of oxygen at deep sea level where sunlight doesn’t reach. Traditionally, we think of oxygen as being the by-product of photosynthesis, nothing else creates oxygen in such large amounts. However…

  • The Evolution of Territory, Resources and Possessions

    The Evolution of Territory, Resources and Possessions

    This is mine. No, it’s mine. Such a classic childish conversation and yet in adult terminology, it translates to: this is my country, this is my religion, these are my beliefs, I am right, let’s fight over it. Children may fight over a toy and then walk away. Adults will fight to the literal death…

  • The Evolution of Pigments in Society

    The Evolution of Pigments in Society

    Pigments, paints and decoration. Using colours to express ourselves seems to be unique to humans. Other species of the Homo genus may have contributed to cave paintings. The earliest pigment use found has been in caves around 100,000 years ago. Grinding stones have been found with pigments on them.  Early Use of Pigments  Early use…

  • The Evolution of the Colour Brown in Society

    The Evolution of the Colour Brown in Society

    Brown is essentially a dark orange. It is achieved by adding together orange and varying amounts of black. It is associated with nature, the colour of trees, branches and mud. It is the least favourite colour however in society, blue being the most favourite.   Language  The word ‘brown’ comes from Old English ‘brún’. Words from…

This is how it all started…

I used to paint murals in eco emulsion, getting stuck with the question of ‘what do I paint’ for my portfolio. Going back to my love of history, I began going over old notes I had made of things that interested me. Bringing the two together has been the key to creating pieces inspired by moments of history and science.

To also write about history from the wide perspective that I enjoy, helps to put life into perspective. It creates a base understanding of the world we live in today, and can aid to understanding the human condition. Why do we do the things we do?

Perveen Kaur

Artist and Writer

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