The Evolution of Stuff

I like timelines and facts. Welcome to my world.

  • The Evolution of Homo sapien Migrations

    The Evolution of Homo sapien Migrations

    We evolved in Africa around 250,000 to 300,000 years ago. There is ample evidence that other species of the Homo genus had already travelled to different parts of the globe. Here we are concerned with the timeline of Homo sapiens and when they travelled to different parts. 300,000 years ago – evidence of Homo sapiens…

  • The Evolution of the Colour Black in Society

    The Evolution of the Colour Black in Society

    Black is the absence of colour. In the physical sense, it is when an object absorbs all the light waves and doesn’t reflect anything back to the eye, appearing black. Across cultures, it is the colour of darkness, death and mystery. It can be cold and scary. Over the years it has become a colour…

  • The Evolution of Adaptation

    The Evolution of Adaptation

    Adaption to the environment is the cornerstone of the concept of evolution of life. Organisms have slowly changed in physical form to better suit the environment they find themselves in. On this initial level, there is, without intention I would have thought, a respect for the environment. It is what it is and the organism…

  • The Evolution of Green in Society

    The Evolution of Green in Society

    Green is in the middle of the colour spectrum and so represents balance and harmony. Being the colour of nature, it is colour that we recognise the most variations of. It is naturally calming and generally does denote feelings of growth, calm and hope. Green is restful to the eye, studies show that being in…

  • The Evolution of Roses

    The Evolution of Roses

    There are 300 – 400 species of roses, depending on whose counting. The classic red rose for romantic endeavours varies, there isn’t just one specific species which has been dedicated for this purpose. Roses are my favourite flower, so let’s explore. Taxonomy Living organisms can be arranged through taxonomy, the classicisation of living things. See…

  • The Evolution of Blue in Society

    The Evolution of Blue in Society

    Blue has the shortest wavelengths of the colour spectrum making blues and violets the last colours to be seen, red is the first as it has the longest wave length. It is the world’s favourite colour. Blue is cool and calming for most cultures. Could be because of the way the brain absorbs the wavelengths,…

This is how it all started…

I used to paint murals in eco emulsion, getting stuck with the question of ‘what do I paint’ for my portfolio. Going back to my love of history, I began going over old notes I had made of things that interested me. Bringing the two together has been the key to creating pieces inspired by moments of history and science.

To also write about history from the wide perspective that I enjoy, helps to put life into perspective. It creates a base understanding of the world we live in today, and can aid to understanding the human condition. Why do we do the things we do?

Perveen Kaur

Artist and Writer

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