The Evolution of Stuff

I like timelines and facts. Welcome to my world.

  • The Evolution of Homo sapiens

    The Evolution of Homo sapiens

    Us. Humans. We’re a bit odd at times but we descend from an incredible lineage story. As we go back in time and consider the evolution of characteristics of previous species, we can see how we developed into what we are today. We have four limbs, are symmetrical, with a backbone, warm blooded, hairy (to…

  • The Evolution of Meaning

    The Evolution of Meaning

    Meaning, purpose and identity is at the heart of existence. The idea that each thing has its own purpose, behaviour patterns and therefore identity and meaning in the grand scheme of life. It seems that evolution is built on the concept of trying many things out, numerous times until it settles on something that works…

  • The Evolution of the Psychology of Colour

    The Evolution of the Psychology of Colour

    It took around 600 million years for the eye to develop to see movement, form and then colour. Different organisms can detect different waves of light according to their environmental needs. We humans can detect visible light, while other waves are harmful to our eyes. I describe the evolution of seeing here After this evolution…

  • The Evolution of Seeing Colour

    The Evolution of Seeing Colour

    Photons – the building blocks of light  Colour is light. Light is photons. Photons are elementary particles with no mass and so travel at the cosmic speed limit, the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second. It is a constant in the universe. Photons are emitted in various types of energy like radio waves or…

  • The Evolution of Taxonomy

    The Evolution of Taxonomy

    Taxonomy is the study of naming and defining biological organisms in order to group them together according to common characteristics. On a broader basis, the same principle can be applied to organise pretty much anything. Timeline of Taxonomy 1500 BCE – evidence in Egypt suggests that people understood the characteristics of different species and classified…

  • The Evolution of Vertebrates

    The Evolution of Vertebrates

    Vertebrates make up a small number of total species alive today however they are dominant across various ecosystems and that has been the case over the last few hundred million years. Different types of vertebrates have dominated at different times, today it is us. One distinguishing feature of the vertebrates is the vertebral column (spine,…

This is how it all started…

I used to paint murals in eco emulsion, getting stuck with the question of ‘what do I paint’ for my portfolio. Going back to my love of history, I began going over old notes I had made of things that interested me. Bringing the two together has been the key to creating pieces inspired by moments of history and science.

To also write about history from the wide perspective that I enjoy, helps to put life into perspective. It creates a base understanding of the world we live in today, and can aid to understanding the human condition. Why do we do the things we do?

Perveen Kaur

Artist and Writer

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